PC Thermometer
PC Thermometer V2
A method of measuring temperature using the PC Game port.
Display is via the program dialog or in the System tray. V2.2.5 supports timed FTP to a web server
1. Requirements
Microsoft Windows 95,98, 2000, Possibly ME. XP home, XP Pro
Active Game Port, must be enabled either on the Motherboard or on a plug in card for example a soundcard gameport.
Temperature Sensor as described.
Installed Joystick driver.
2 Temperature Sensor
The program can use one or two Thermistors connected via the joystick (game port) on a PC
Two types of sensor are described in the documentation, a simple one using a plain thermistor or a version using a resistor padded thermistor to increase the temperature range.
In Use
Functions are provided to set the temperature read interval and the FTP interval for upload, The program alters a sample file called base.html and replaces variables in it with information from the PC.
When run the program can be minimised at which point it will go to the system tray as an icon. Hovering a mouse pointer on it will display the current reading.
a continously updated csv file is also created with the graph data in it. this may be opened with excel or similar to display trends over time or for printing.

Main Dialog
The PC joystick Interface is inaccurate, there is considerable jitter on the port, while attempts have been made to average out the problems the basic accuracy with good calibration is unlikely to be better than ± one degree Celsius and may be worse.
Please download and read the acrobat file pcthermometer.pdf for full instructions. the file contains installation, constructional and calibration details along with a description of the FTP setup.
To down load this file you may need to right click on it and choose "Save Target as" to stop it displaying in the acrobat plugin on many browsers
Download pcthermometer.pdf
PDF last uploaded 26 July 2002 Please check back for updates. I will add to it as time permits
Change to instructions, it is worth calibrating the port with a Joystick if you have one, seem to help linerize the port
The Program is provided in ZIP format containing 4 files, The program (pctemp.exe) a Readme.txt, a Base.html and a dtemp.cgi file,
Download place in directory and unzip. Then make your own shortcuts to the desktop / menus as required.
Download Pctemp.zip
Current Version 2.4.3. Uploaded 10 January 2004
Brief Version History
V1.0 Single Display on desktop, Simple thermistor probe
V1.9 Single Display with Systray Icon
V2.0 Dual Thermistor Version, Ftp to Web address
V2.2.5 Padded Thermistor probe. Timed file without FTP option, Systray Icon switchable between Probes
V2.3.5 First graphical version, CSV file creation.
V2.3.7 Improved Interface (well I think so :) )
V2.3.8 Fixed Ftp timing problem. inaccurate.
V2.4.0 Fixed (I hope) FTP to some web servers with ports greater than 32767
V2.4.3 Fixed Display of F or C in taskbar
Main Site Use this link if you came via a search engine to see the main site including online realtime Temperature display. Opens in a new window.
If you find this fun or useful, or have any comments please send an Email
A Useful link to temperature related things
A unique use of the PC-Thermometer program by andrew
at AndysWorld
The Program and Instructions are Copyright Spiny Sept 2001 and may not be reproduced or copied without express permission. The program PCtemp.exe is supplied as is and is not warrentied to be fit for any purpose. Installing and using the program is at your own risk as is making the temperature probe.
The program may not be resold for gain or used as part of a commercial product without the express written permission of the author.